How do i create my own profile?

If you want to make your own, type and send your info in the feedback and send your display picture. {Remember, we wont show your personal info. eg: real name}

        We will display it on the next day, or after a few hours.

How do i submit my answers on barbie quiz?

click on your answer.   

How do i send a image to this site?

Using feedbacks! {Just copy and paste!} we'll display it.

Can i send my news about barbie here?

Sure, add a comment or by sending feedbacks!

tell us if you are happy to display your name {eg: --------------     by teresa}

How and when do i get the results for the poll?

You'll get your results on each saturday. The option with the highest number of votes wins!


How and when the song of the week will be displayed?

The song of the week will be displayed in the left. We select each song by the results of your polls each week. If you want to play it, click on the link.

How will i know the winners for barbie quiz?

We will announce in the news, blog, or send as a comment

How are the winners of barbie quiz selcted?

The answer with most votes wins!

How do i insert my own files about nature?

To send your files about nature, you need to create a profile(if you dont have one). While sending us your info, send us your files about nature. Dont forget to tell us whether you like it to appear in your profile!

Can I make a tag for my profile?

Sure. While sending your info, you can tell us whether you wnt to make a tag for your profile or not!


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